Tag Archives: janome

confessions of a techie toy-a-holic

I confess that I love techie toys.  I confess that I couch my love and need of techie toys in the phrase ‘ for my job’ (I use many aspects of technology in my jobs).  I confess that I really do know that while these toys are useful in my job, I just love them anyway.  After reaching the end of my denial phase – I don’t need an iPad, what would I use an iPad for………. I decided that I just had to have an iPad… I came up with a multitude of reasons I  needed it and how it would enhance my bag of tricks used in my job……  I started the budget envelope approach – save the money first, buy after and just as I got to the point that I was ready to buy – iPad with 3G


And now I confess……..  I am a techie toy-a-holic to my core!!!!!!!!!!

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